Wednesday, May 27, 2009

More Musings on our Homebirth, Update on the Family

So, there are a few things that I didn't mention about my birth and thereafter that I wanted to. However, one day postpartum is not the best day for remembering everything, obviously. First off, I had an amazing birth team. My best friend, Hannah, was here around 7AM to take care of Liam and just fill in where needed. She ended up boiling water for the tub and doing other things I'm sure, however I was giving birth, so I didn't observe them. :) My sister got here just a bit after Anabele was born (drove ALL the way from St Louis! 5 1/2 hours!) and organized food for everyone, cleaned the house while we were getting stitches and occupied Liam. She was here Saturday and Sunday (and boy was my house CLEAN when we got home! AND the laundry was all done!).

As far as this birth in comparison to Liam's, I've noticed a few big differences. I didn't have afterbirth pains very much with Liam, but I REALLY did this time. My midwife left me a tincture that really helped, although they are still coming a bit. I've noticed my lochia is much different and much lighter than with Liam. I attribute that to the more gentle birth process; no purple pushing, nothing forced, everything easy, calm and natural. I was also able to EAT and DRINK during labor, amazing how that keeps your energy up!

Even my stitches seems to be healing more easily and not bothering me as much. My swelling has gone down very quickly and I haven't felt afraid to examine my own body like I was with Liam. Everything was so mysterious in a hospital birth where I was in control of nothing going on, this time, I am responsible for my own well-being since it is MY body afterall. Of course I have postpartum checkups on the 1st, 3rd and 7th days after, then at the 3rd week and the 6th week. My midwife also checks the baby's weight and vitals, behaviors, etc. She checks on my emotionally, something I never received with a standard doctor's care.

So I am feeling pretty good, although I'm just planted on the couch, hanging out. Jonathan has been cooking, cleaning and tending to general Charlea-activities. Anabele is doing GREAT and nursing like a fiend. She latches herself on without my assistance, something I'd always 'heard' newborns could do...ends up they can. Her poop is definitely breastmilk poop! I'm surprised at how quickly she cleared out that meconium. She was spitting up like bright yellow...disturbing until I realized that my milk for some reason was REALLY yellow. The cream was almost egg yolk colored! Now it's more of a creamy white color, more of what I am used to. She loves to sleep, so she's only wanting to nurse a couple times in the middle of the night. I always wake up before she does, then rile her, change her diaper and nurse her. I forgot about all this newborn-y stuff. She doesn't LOOK like a newborn to me, though! She's so big, already digging her toes into things and trying to inch forward, it's amazing!

Liam is adjusting well. At first, he couldn't be away from her. He had to be touching her head constantly. Now, he's branching out a bit and ignoring her a little more. She has definitely learned to nap through ridiculous amounts of noise, having a three year old brother! I had no idea how BIG Liam was until I saw him next to her. He is such a BIG kid (even though he's still nursing). I'm so proud of him. He's always taking her toys to 'play' with, etc. We are all adjusting just fine and coming into life with a family of four instead of three. It's just such a blessing to have two wonderful and healthy children.


  1. I can 'hear' the happiness and joy oozing out between the lines, and that makes me so stinking happy for you.

    My milk was that yellow color during the first week or so with Ethan. Um, I just assumed it was normal, kind of like a colostrum milk combo :) The first couple of spitups really freaked us out though, and that stuff stained everything, even a bottle when I used some frozen milk later.

  2. I love that post.
    What a great collection of everything you would have forgotten if you had waited a few more days.
    I agree with Cilla, too, you sound so happy and peaceful.
    And yes, your beautiful, amazing and healthy, happy children are such an amazing blessing. And a husband that loves and takes care of all 3 of you? Jackpot! Thank you, God!
