Friday, May 8, 2009

"Get in the tub!"

So my son ends up has infinite amounts of wisdom, well beyond his years. The amount of compassion, caring, understanding and just love Liam has blows me away. Jonathan and I discussed this last night and his response was very simple, "Well, of course he does, he has two parents who love him (and each other)." Amazing how that works out to the benefit of all parties involved. I see this daily in things like putting sunscreen on my back for me or bringing me a glass of water when I'm on the couch.

Back to my story. I told Liam that I was going to rest for a bit because my muscle hurt (when the storm woke me up at 7am, it literally SCARED me out of bed because a huge-ass limb fell right by the bedroom window, but I digress...I managed to jerk my foot out of bed at an amazingly unnatural angle and cramp up my calf). His response: "Maybe you should take a bath to feel better, mom. Then the baby can come out in the bathtub and I can play with it." I wish, kid. The anticipation of a new life to be added to our family is insane. I don't dislike being pregnant, in fact, I LOVE being pregnant, but I can't WAIT to greet this baby. Liam's anticipation is high, as well. He is constantly making small remarks about what he's going to do with the baby. We obviously won't follow some of his intentions, such as, "When the baby is born, then I can sleep with the baby in my room and you and dad can have your bed." While we haven't pressed him about when he wants to sleep in his own room, we've asked a few times, so he's decided that now would be a good long as he can sleep with the baby, lol.

So today's good thought of the day is remembering Liam-isms:

-The Happy Dance
-Blowing fart water all over the tub as a baby...and finding that hysterical
-"I forgot to shut the fridge, sorry, I was Megatron."
-Being born with his eyes open
-"Singing "Knockin' on Heaven's Door" in the car
-"My dog, Maggie, has really stinky farts" (in the middle of Bible study)
-"Your body is working REALLY hard to get the baby out, mom. Tell me, and I'll catch it."

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