Friday, April 10, 2009

Thoughts about leaving for the weekend...

Okay, I really hate to leave for the weekend without double checking the fridge. I would say this is probably because of the price per item of the foods I buy since I'm so picky. So then I find out that the $9/pint of goat yogurt is about to expire...EEP! Strawberries are on the edge, spinach is on the edge... I have reached a new low. I actually froze yogurt in an icecube tray to use in smoothies. Brilliant! I have no idea what this will do to that yogurt, but we shall see. I also steamed all of the spinach and put it in the freezer.

Here comes the next question, do we really not value our food anymore? I mean looking at how much we waste? Ever since I started REALLY analyzing what I was buying, it was like, "Darn I really don't want to waste that... four freakin' dollars!" However, now it is almost an appreciation thing. We buy our milk and honey (stopped buying processed sugar altogether) locally, eat our own eggs from the backyard brooding girls, and I'm starting to buy meat locally as well when I can (we don't eat much beef, otherwise it would be a higher percentage). So now with the money I spend on food, I really don't want to waste it. It isn't really expensive considering that we don't buy pre-packaged food anymore, but still, don't want to waste quality stuff.

We are what we eat!


  1. You're old school in how you value food. It takes a creative brain to "save" food from going bad. ever see the cartoon of all these vegetables standing in the frig wearing cowboy hats and pointing guns at each other? "When Food Goes Bad"

  2. Am I to understand that you have chickens?
